Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Birds Eye: The angle of what a birds view
POD(Principles Of Design) - This Image contains Horizontal Lines, Patterns, Formal Balance

Medium Shot - The camera angle of the top half of an object
Principles Of Design - Contrast, Emphasis, Diagonal Lines

Extreme Close Up Shot - The "Head" of an object ( which is the lighthouse)
POD - Vertical Lines, Horizontal Lines, Diagonal Lines

Eye Level Shot - The Camera Angle of the "Eye Level" of the object
POD - Diagonal Lines, Emphasis, Informal Balance

Long Shot - The Camera angle of the whole object
POD - Unity, Rhythm, Diagonal Lines, Formal Balance

Close Up Shot - Its really in the name it's just a close up shot of an object
POD - Informal Balance

Over The Shoulder - The Camera angle of being "over the shoulder" of the object
POD - Diagonal Lines, Horizontal Lines, Emphasis, Informal Balance

POV - The Camera Angle of being ''in the object'' and looking out
POD - Variety, Pattern, Informal Balance

Worm's Eye - Looking up to the object as of being a worm looking up
POD - Texture, Empasis, Pattern, Formal Balance

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