Sunday, October 28, 2018

Birds Eye View-  A shot from above the object
The principal of design used here was Space.
the image spaces out things and makes you really try to
figure out what the image is trying to show.

 Over Shoulder Shot- A shot looking past an object
The principal of design used here is Balance. It starts out with
a big shape and then the light shining on the small hill in
the distance makes you start to look farther off in the image.

Extreme Close Up-  A shot very close to an object 
The principal of design used here was Proximity.  This gives you a
sense of a place to focus on and lets your eyes wander after you look
at the main point.

Worms eye Shot- A shot looking up at an object
The principal of design used here was proximity. the image gives
you a main focus point with the dark sky and rain in the background.

Close Up- A shot fairly close to an object
The principal of designed used here was Balance. With the big object
up close, it makes it seem that the ocean goes on for a good distance and
then eventually fades off into the distance.

Eye Level Shot- A shot looking straight on an object
The principal of design used here was Proximity. It shows that
the main focus point is the lighthouse and kind of
lines up with all of the water and land in the background.

POV Shot- A shot pointing in the direction the object is looking
The principal used in this image is Alignment. The top
of the hill point lines up with the top of the lighthouse.

Medium Shot- A shot of an object from a semi close area away

The principal of design used was Repetition. You find yourself jumping from each shape to another that looks alike.

Long Shot- A shot of an object that is far away
The principal used was Alignment. The way the different shapes sit
make for an illusion that they are perfectly aligned.

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